Deploy an SAP BTP service in your Kyma cluster

This tutorial describes how you can deploy a simple SAP BTP audit log service in your Kyma cluster using the SAP BTP service operator.



  1. Create a Namespace and install cert-manager in it. The SAP BTP operator requires cert-manager to work properly. You can skip this step if you have cert-manager already installed. Run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create ns cert-manager
    kubectl label namespace cert-manager istio-injection=disabled
    kubectl apply -f
    echo "Wait two minutes. For details, read:"
    sleep 120

    CAUTION: There's a known issue with the webhook connection shortly after cert-manager installation, and with the BTP operator webhook. If you see the failed calling webhook error after running this and/or the next command, wait a moment and repeat the operation.

  2. Obtain the access credentials for the SAP BTP service operator as described in step 2 of the SAP BTP operator setup. Then, save the credentials to the creds.json file.

  3. Create a Namespace and install the SAP BTP service operator in it:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create ns sap-btp-operator
    kubectl label namespace sap-btp-operator istio-injection=disabled
    helm repo add sap-btp-operator
    helm upgrade --install btp-operator sap-btp-operator/sap-btp-operator --create-namespace --namespace=sap-btp-operator --set manager.secret.clientid="$(jq --raw-output '.clientid' creds.json)" --set manager.secret.clientsecret="$(jq --raw-output '.clientsecret' creds.json)" --set manager.secret.sm_url="$(jq --raw-output '.sm_url' creds.json)" --set manager.secret.tokenurl="$(jq --raw-output '.url' creds.json)"
    echo "Wait 30 seconds to make btp-operator webhook ready"
    sleep 30
  4. Create a Service Instance:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create -f - <<EOF
    kind: ServiceInstance
    name: btp-audit-log-instance
    namespace: default
    serviceOfferingName: auditlog-api
    servicePlanName: default
    externalName: btp-audit-log-instance

    TIP: You can find values for the serviceOfferingName and servicePlanName parameters in the Service Marketplace of the SAP BTP Cockpit. Click on the service's tile and find name and Plan respectively. The value of the externalName parameter must be unique.

  5. To see the output, run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl get btp-audit-log-instance -o yaml

    You can see the status created and the message ServiceInstance provisioned successfully.

  6. Create a Service Binding:

    Click to copy
    kubectl create -f - <<EOF
    kind: ServiceBinding
    name: btp-audit-log-binding
    namespace: default
    serviceInstanceName: btp-audit-log-instance
    externalName: btp-audit-log-binding
    secretName: btp-audit-log-binding
  7. To see the output, run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl get btp-audit-log-binding -o yaml

    You can see the status created and the message ServiceBinding provisioned successfully.

  8. You can now use a given service in your Kyma cluster. To see credentials, run:

    Click to copy
    kubectl get secret btp-audit-log-binding -o yaml
  9. Clean up your resources:

    Click to copy
    kubectl delete btp-audit-log-binding
    kubectl delete btp-audit-log-instance
    helm delete btp-operator -n sap-btp-operator
    kubectl delete -f
    kubectl delete ns cert-manager
    kubectl delete ns sap-btp-operator

TIP: You can use Kyma Dashboard to create and manage resources such as ServiceInstances and ServiceBindings. To do so, navigate to your Namespace view and go to the Service Management tab in the left navigation. Still, you need to obtain service details, such as service name and plan, from the BTP Cockpit.